It’s an exciting time to be a new driver. It allows you a sense of freedom that you didn’t have before, but it’s a huge responsibility as well. When you drive, it not only affects you but your passengers and other drivers as well. This article looks at some tips and tricks to help new drivers have a safe and enjoyable experience every time they get behind the wheel of a car.
Be Alert
Not being in control of your faculties because you are driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol is a massive mistake. Not only that, if you’re too tired to drive, then don’t do it. You’re not only playing with your life but others as well. The repercussions of being on a controlled substance (or sleepy) while driving are colossal and can be life-changing. If you find yourself in a situation where you shouldn’t get behind the wheel of a car, call a taxi, rideshare, family member, or friend to pick you up and drop you off safely. Worry about the car you left behind later.
The world is full of distractions and people love to multi-task, but it’s not a great idea to have your attention taken away by something when you’re driving. You must stay focused. Avoid calling, texting, playing with your stereo or radio, eating, and turning around in your seat to talk to passengers. Accidents can occur in an instant if you’re not keeping your eyes on the road. A good rule to have is to get set up in your car before driving away. Set up your GPS, music, seat, and mirrors so you will be able to see your vehicle’s blind spots, and other things before you hit the road.
Ready for Anything
Anticipating and being prepared for different emergencies, accidents, or breakdowns will help you exceedingly well. Always have an emergency and first aid kit as well as all your important driving and vehicle documents. What does that all entail? Have your registration, license, and insurance information readily available if needed. Your emergency kit should be full of things like bottled water, food that won’t spoil, a flashlight, a blanket, cables, road cones, and other pertinent tools that you might require. Storing a bit of coolant or oil your car takes is a great idea as well. Anything you face will be easier and less stressful because you come prepared.
Regular Maintenance
Take care of your car and give it regular maintenance and it will help you eliminate hazards and possible accidents. Maintenance refers to routine tune-ups, oil changes, topping off other liquids like coolant and brake fluid, looking at tire pressure and rotation, and making sure you always have fuel in your vehicle. Keep your car in good working order and it will help you tremendously.
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Rules of the Road
A driver needs to adhere to the rules of the road. They have been put into place for a reason. This goes for new drivers as well as seasoned ones. Make sure to obey what the road signs say, understand the right of way, comply with speed limits, wear your seatbelt, and follow traffic signals. These are just a few examples of what you need to do as a driver (in general), but extremely important to do as a new driver. You’ll soon realize that not everyone follows the rules, and you need to be extra cautious because of this. Being vigilant about the rules, not only provides an easygoing and secure environment but helps you avoid accidents and traffic tickets too. Things like that only increase your insurance rates.Why pay more money if you don’t have to?
It’s crucial to acknowledge speeding and wearing your seat belt again. Don’t have a lead foot. Younger drivers tend to speed more and ride up on people’s bumpers. You need to provide enough space between you and the next vehicle, especially if you need to brake fast and hard. The faster your car is going, the more it takes to come to a stop. Rear-ending someone because you didn’t leave enough room can result in injuries and costly repairs. Not only that but if you cause an accident by slamming on your brakes because you were tailgating, you can be sued and have your insurance go up.
It’s so simple to put your seatbelt on. Before taking off in a car, make sure that everyone is wearing their seat belt. There have been too many people, especially teens and their passengers who have ignored this rule and have lost their lives because of it.
Weather Conditions
Driving in bad weather like wind, rain, or snow can make driving hazardous. If you do have to drive out in wet weather, have your headlights on, make sure to keep room in front of you and the next car, and slow down. It’s never a race. Remember, it requires a longer braking time when the roads are wet. If you can avoid driving in dangerous weather conditions, the better. Stay home if you’re not comfortable or used to it.
In Summary
New drivers can be excited, but also nervous at the prospect of being in control of a car. With time and lots of practice, it will become easier to drive. Anxiety will lower and the confidence will kick in. This is exceptionally true when you come prepared and follow the advice given in this article. Yes, driving is a big responsibility, but can also be freeing and fun. By driving responsibly, you’ll get a lot more out of the experience than otherwise. New drivers can enhance their driving experience by following these tips and practicing responsible driving. And if you need black car service in Washington DC, consider utilizing a black car service for a premium transportation experience.