Statistics currently tell us that half of working Australians do not use their paid vacation days and this is quite bad news indeed for them. Many think that it is advantageous for the business that they work for but if they are overly tired then they are certainly not giving their job their best 100% effort. You may be keen to climb the corporate ladder and you want to make sure that you get that bonus around Christmas time but not taking your vacation time can have quite serious consequences not only for your happiness but for your general health as well.
It affects all aspects of your life including your marriage and your relationship with your kids and so you need to start taking your vacation time, loading up the cargo boxes with everything that you need for your trip and then just heading out into the sunset to spend quality time with your family. You can’t keep putting off your vacation time and so the following are just some of the top reasons why you should always take your time off in Australia.
- For your health – If you are not taking the holiday time that is due to you then it can lead to a number of health complications including stroke, heart disease, obesity, depression and many other illnesses related to high stress levels. You may think that you can do without your vacation time this year but everything is going to catch up with you over time and it’s going to affect you not only physically but mentally.
- For your happiness – We all need happiness in our lives and especially so when it comes to spending quality time with our other family members. You need to start enjoying some adventures and getting out there to explore this wonderful country of ours. It may be the case that your motivational levels have taken a hit and you’re not able to give your job your best effort and that’s probably because you’re not taking your vacation time and allowing your body and mind to rest.
- For your family – Many kids in Australia don’t get to see their parents before they go to bed to tuck them in and read them a bedtime story because they are still at the office. Many marriages are experiencing problems because each partner passes in the hallway and one is going to work and the other is coming home. It is a sad indication of the world that we live in and so in order to strengthen family bonds and to get your relationship back on track, you need to start taking the vacation days that are due to you.
You may think that you doing the right thing for your job prospects but what many people fail to remember is that once you have all of that extra money, the big house and the fancy car, what is the point of it all if you can’t enjoy it because of poor health.