Slip and fall accidents can cause significant long-term harm to a victim. Their quality of life can be impacted for an extended period, resulting in lost income. They also have to deal with medical expenses and the struggles of day-to-day functioning.
Any person who experiences a personal injury, such as a slip and fall accident, should seek medical help as soon as possible. This medical record will be a vital aspect of supporting any proceedings around your slip and fall case. You will not be able to proceed with a slip and fall lawyer without this documentation.
It will be very difficult to receive any compensation without adequate proof of your injuries and their full extent. Any medical record generated through this initial assessment or future appointments will document the physical and mental injuries that you may be experiencing.
To ensure you maximize the compensation and support available to you, acting quickly is important. Here is what to do after a slip and fall accident.
Seek Medical Help
You’ll want to seek medical appointments and follow through with the doctor’s recommendations in the long term. If there is physical therapy available, take it. A failure to keep up with one’s medical care suggests that injuries are not bothersome enough to require significant care and do not impact the victim’s quality of life.
In many cases, slip and fall accidents occur due to hazards relating to negligence or a property owner’s carelessness. The most frequent slip and fall accidents are tied to slippery puddles, inadequate lighting, and physical components left in low visibility.
A slip and fall injury might include head injuries, cuts, abrasions, broken bones, hip injuries, and even spinal cord trouble. If the accident can be proven to be associated with the negligence or carelessness of another party, they may be liable for covering the cost of injury-related medical expenses.
Fairly early on, you want to contact an experienced personal injury lawyer. Slip and fall accidents can be tough to prove in a lot of cases. However, a lawyer will be able to gather evidence and investigate and represent you in front of insurers and businesses. If you live in Tampa and are looking for the best Slip and Fall Accidents in Tampa lawyer, searching for a “Tampa Slip and Fall Accidents lawyer” near you would be a good start.
A lot of companies would rather settle out of court than going to court. In tandem with a lawyer’s guidance, if you have enough documentation, you can quickly resolve a slip and fall accident.
Document Everything
Any slip and fall should be reported to the business or property manager where the incident occurred. If a police report or an incident report has to be filed, ask for a copy of that. From the moment the slip and fall occurs, you have a relatively short time frame to start gathering evidence essentially.
If you try to report the accident and the person you speak to refuses to document it in writing, insist on it. Collect names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses of any potential witnesses or stakeholders that could play a role in your case.
Take Photos of the Incident
Return to where the incident occurred and take photos of everything. Multiple angles of where the incident happened. If something specific caused the slip and fall, ensure it’s captured in multiple photos.
All of this information could help you pursue a legal claim. When you get home, you will also want to document the date and time it happened. Plus, mark down any details you may have on your mind about your condition or the incident.
Keep in mind that a lot of businesses take quick corrective action to fix something that could hold them financially responsible or be a danger to others. You want to document this before any location changes occur.
Do Not Make Any Public Statements
As tempting as it can be to some, decline to give any public statements. Be calm when communicating with any property manager or property owner. Definitely do not post details on the slip and fall accident on social media, as tempting as it will be for some to do that. Do not provide a statement to your insurance company. Do not place blame on anyone. Don’t take the blame for the slip and fall. Before you speak with your insurance company, consider speaking to a lawyer.
There is a time limit on when you have to file a legal claim. If you miss these deadlines, you’re unlikely to be able to move forward with a slip and fall accident case. If you intend to pursue compensation, be sure to contact a lawyer within days of the accident. This way, they can get moving on the paperwork and ensure you capitalize while you can.