In a house, the bathroom is a necessary utility room. Therefore, a regular cleaning and maintenance routine is essential to ensure hygiene and protect your family’s health.
Cleaning the bathroom daily and weekly is necessary to eradicate unwanted odors, but learning how to clean a bathroom properly is essential to eliminating germs and bacteria. This guide will show you how to deep clean your bathroom like professionals from Maidstr.
Start with decluttering the bathroom.
While deep cleaning your bathroom, bathroom accessories and cleaning supplies will get in the way. Before you begin, remove any items from the shelves, such as soaps, gels, brushes, toothbrushes, and other cleaning supplies.
Towels, drapes, floor mats, garbage cans, and mops should all be moved out of the room. You’ll be able to see the scope of the task ahead when removing the objects. You’d also use this time to point out any spots that require specific detergents.
Take note of the air quality; this will help you decide whether you need a bathroom air freshener. If you believe this will not be enough to eliminate the stink, you should also try purchasing a bathroom air purifier.
Clean the ceilings and walls
When dirty exhaust fans run, they don’t effectively remove humidity and disperse dust all over the place. To remove dirt, blast fans with pressurized air or use a vacuum dust attachment.
Even in a bathroom, ceilings and walls acquire an incredible quantity of dust. Using a mop, give yours a thorough cleaning. Remember to dust the light fixtures as well.
You can get rid of hairspray off walls using the same method as cleaning hair: a little shampoo and water. Use a dab of rubbing (isopropyl) alcohol instead if you have wallpaper. Always test for colorfastness on a small area first.
Clean the shower ledges
Soaps and other cleaning supplies may be stored conveniently on shower ledges, racks, and other fixtures. We often overlook these areas, especially when it comes to bathroom cleaning. You must pay attention to them since they transmit filth and generate unpleasant bathroom scents—clean such surfaces thoroughly with soapy water and detergents.
Remove any stains on the ledges as well. Allow 15 minutes for the ledge to soak in detergent or baking soda and vinegar. To finish the operation, wipe it down with a cloth.
Disinfect the toilet
Cleaning the toilet is a sensitive task since it must constantly be in good working order. As a result, you’ll need gloves, a brush, sterile wipes, and cleaning re-agents. Begin by cleaning the cistern’s surfaces with a disinfectant solution that may be purchased ready-to-use or made at home (tea tree oil is a great natural disinfectant).
After completing the mentioned steps, flush the toilet several times to ensure the bowl is clean. Put toilet bowl cleaning pills in the tank regularly to keep the toilet water from becoming unpleasant, ensuring fresh odors with every flush! Finally, sanitize the lid. You may use a bleach/soapy solution combo, but wear gloves.