Many people will tell you that the key to looking your best isn’t always about following all of the latest fashion styles and it is important that you step through to your own particular style.
The issue here however is that many of us don’t exactly know what our individual style is and so we set it as a goal to come up with something quite unique that sums us up and gives people an idea of our personality. We always need some kind of inspiration to help us and it always pays to experiment with different aspects of fashion to try to find something that fits you perfectly.
When we talk about style, we are discussing a person’s individual way of expressing themselves and this can be done through your clothing, through your hair style by using high-quality hair extensions and even the people that we call our friends.
The thing to remember is that time is essentially timeless and we have all seen someone who doesn’t follow all of the fashion trends but they still remain stylish nonetheless. Finding your individual style isn’t something that you can do quickly and there are various strategies and tips that you can consider so that you can learn a lot more about the clothing that works for you and your body type. Considering taking the Enneagram personality test can offer valuable insights into your unique traits and preferences, which can further guide you in expressing your authentic self through your personal style.
- Look at your own clothes – Open the doors of your wardrobe or closet and have a look inside to try to figure out what kind of person you are and why it is that you make the choices that you do. Figure out why you need to change up your closet and lift out one of your most favourite items and then try to figure out why it is that you picked it in the first place and why it makes you feel good when you wear it. Once you figure that out, you can start comparing it to the other pieces of clothing that you have and then hopefully you can figure out what they all have in common.
- Look for inspiration – There is bound to be someone that you are inspired by when it comes to fashion and it might be someone in your immediate family or it might be just someone that you see passing you in the street every single day. You spent a great deal of time on social media so start making this time more productive and look at what celebrities are wearing as well as your friends. You will find many fashion tips on the Internet and you can look to those for inspiration.
- Don’t be afraid to experiment – There are many different style choices out there and you just need to find one that suits you and your particular personality and who you are. It is going to take a little bit of experimentation and time to try to figure out what clothes make you feel and look your best. Why not add create your own unique jewelry and bracelets, with there being great online stores like The Bead Shop who offer all kinds of jewelry-making supplies.
Finding and defining your style is going to take time and it’s going to take effort on your part. In the end, you will hopefully find a signature look that will fit you perfectly and it lets people know exactly who you are and what you are about.