Insomnia affects many people and there can be many reasons why a person finds it hard to sleep, which we examine in this short article. Lack of sleep impacts you in many ways and if the issue is not addressed, it can have serious consequences.
Here are some common causes of insomnia.
- Stress – There’s no doubt that stress and anxiety are the number one cause of insomnia; we all know how stressful life can be and if your conscious mind has trouble shutting down, sleep is difficult.
- Irregular sleeping hours – Some of us have an irregular sleep pattern, which might be due to working shifts or other circumstances; if you work days for 3 months, then switch to nights for the next 3 months, this will confuse your body clock. People who travel a lot for business also can find sleep hard to attain; different time zones impact our routines.
- Poor bedding – If your mattress is too hard, order a king single mattress topper from Australia’s leading bedding company. Only you know how your bed feels and it won’t hurt to explore mattress and pillow options.
- Mental health disorders – Sadly, we are seeing a rise in mental health issues here in Australia and this can certainly make it hard to get the required amount of quality sleep. Fortunately, there are online mental health counsellors available to listen to your concerns; Google can take you to a website where you can book a Zoom consultation with a certified mental health counsellor.
- Physical discomfort/pain – Chronic pain will stop you from getting to sleep; ask your GP for medication if you can’t seem to find the cause of the pain. Some pain medication brings with it more issues and this is a problem for many who are addicted to pain medication.
- Lifestyle – Your lifestyle might be affecting your sleep patterns; if you are burning the candle at both ends by clubbing into the early hours and going to work a few hours later, this will eventually impact you in numerous ways. If you like to take power naps in the afternoon, this can have a negative impact on your regular sleep.
- Neurological issues – Certain neurological conditions can impact your sleeping pattern; dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease in particular can cause insomnia. ADHD can turbocharge the conscious mind, stopping any attempt at restful sleep and if this is happening to you, seek out professional help.
- Age – As we age, our body changes and sometimes this affects our sleeping pattern and trial and error is the best approach; try changing the ambience in your bedroom, listening to calming music or even changing your sleep routine.
We are designed for action and if we do not get adequate sleep, it affects us in many ways. Be proactive in finding the root cause and don’t be afraid to consult a medical professional.