A t400 dosage is vital question, because some crazy alchemist created this explosive mix. Today, we are going to discover its peculiarities, pros and cons and you can also find here some tips on how to use it correctly and some myths about t400 will be busted. Let’s start!
What is T400
If you know what testosterone is you already know what T400 is. As you can probably guess from its name T400 (or Testosterone 400) is a mind blowing mix of different types of test. It is an upgraded version of the popular anabolic substance Sustanon. So it contains 30 mg testosterone propionate, 60 mg testosterone phenylpropionate, 60 mg testosterone Isocaproate, 150mg testosterone enanthate, 100 mg testosterone decanoate. If you have your phone near you or you were good at math in college you can calculate and easily solve this problem, the dosages of T400 parts together give us 400, what a surprise! Scientists are not stupid after all.
T400 is a living oxymoron. It can be a perfect steroid for you to boost your results or it can absolutely destroy you. Let’s first talk about its compounds and consequently understand why Test400 is so controversial. As it was mentioned before, it resembles Sustanon. Sustanon or “Sust” is a drug that contains several forms of testosterone. Initially, Sustanon 250, which was first released by the American company Organon, was used exclusively for therapeutic purposes, prescribed to patients whose body did not produce the required amount of testosterone. Today this mix has gained wide popularity in sports pharmacology. Some crazy dude decided to add to this already dangerous mix even more testosterone creating a real monster!
Side effects despite T400`s devilish origins are not that bad. They are almost the same as in the case with regular testosterone. They include androgenic subtypes of side effects. Contrary to what you might think of androgen receptors, they are found not only in skeletal muscle cells, but also in the prostate, scalp and body, liver, heart, kidneys, and nervous system cells. And also in bones and connective tissue. Different anabolic steroids have different activities in these tissues – for example, they can attach very well to androgen receptors in skeletal muscle cells, but poorly in the same prostate.
Acne, alopecia, aggression, etc. This is not even the whole list of T400`s side effects. However, you can easily counter each of them. When you use T400 acne usually pops up on your arms and on your back. So, what’s the point of having nice looking muscles if you can’t even show them? To avoid this unpleasant stuff you should shower more. At least 4 times per day and more. Of course you should do it after training because you sweat as hell, so if you do not want to stink like a dog – go to the shower. Spread another 3 times as you wish. It is not only a question of acne it is also a question of hygiene. To avoid dry skin after thousands of showers you can use the most natural soap possible and some smoothing creams (do not be afraid to look like a pussy, your health is always on the first place). The last blast you can use is Accutane, but it has its own side effects, so be careful.
Hair loss and mood swings can be fought by balancing your testosterone levels during your post cycle therapy. But what is the reward for this price? Well, T400 has the same effects as testosterone, however, it is more powerful. No, not 5 times more powerful because it has 5 parts. Sounds logical and dumb at the same time. Its strength lies in the fact that when one component wears off the second takes the leading role etc. In this way you can reduce times of injections per cycle and in this way you risk less to have infection in the place of an injection. It also gives you a great energetic boost, so you will workout without any fatigue for a long time. It also gives you all the main benefits of testosterone, like muscle growth and increased strength.
What about t400 dosage? Well, it depends on your purposes. And hell a lot of more factors, even what you eat for breakfast plays a significant role here. Start taking T400 once a week 400 mg. This will be completely enough for you to feel its effect. Don`t pay attention to the articles, where some knowledgeable guys suggest you take 400mg twice a week. It will not give you anything. If you eat two kilos of candies instead of one it still does not mean that you will become fatter for these two kilos, right?
We dealt with the t400 dosage but what about the t400 cycle? From the first to eighth week take 200 EOD or 400 EW of T400. Then, take a little break, from ninth to eleventh week. Then, you can start your post cycle therapy with 20-40mg ED of Nolvadex during one week, from week 12 to week 13. And, done! You are the most beautiful athlete on the planet, congratulations!
Despite its controversial nature testosterone 400 is a good thing to use, especially if this is your first steroid ever. It will give you even more results compared to those who are used to steroids. However, you should be very careful, because the border between strong muscles and small testicles is very thin. You should not forget about post cycle therapy and it is better to visit the doctor before and after the cycle. Do you also want to know more about TRT? then just search trt clinic near me & you will get the best trt specialist near you.