Slippers serve both outdoor and indoor footwear needs depending on their material and overall look. Easy slip-on and slip-out designs have made them the most common casual footwear. For outdoor, we usually choose slippers that are snug-fit and robust enough to bear normal wear & tear.
However, the scenario with indoor home slippers is something different. While buying house slippers for women or men, we have to focus on coziness and comfort more than other aspects. If your recent experience with house slippers was not good, read some useful buying tips for the next time?
Home Slippers Buying Guide
- Cozy fitting
Usually, we hardly pay attention to proper fitting when it comes to buying slippers for home use. Just because you need them for home use doesn’t mean that fitting is not a big concern. While navigating through different floors, stairs and outer space of the home, loosely fitting slippers give you an uncomfortable experience. In unstable places, the risk of imbalance also remains high.
- Comfortable and durable material
When it comes to comfort and durability, you need to focus on the quality of the material first. For indoor use, options like microsuede, plush and faux fur slippers would be suitable. These materials are known for coziness and warmth. Make sure, there is no issue with the sole and upper stitching bond. Consider brand on priority because these materials are available in a vast range of quality differences.
- Indoor floor compatible sole
While navigating most of the time on plain tiles, the risk of accidental slippery remains high. Spilled water or oily substances on the surface of the already smooth tile can become the reason for serious injuries if you are careless. We recommend an orthopedic sole because it also supports your feet from the inner side.
- Colour patterns
If you talk about style variations, indoor fur clog slippers may have the largest number of options to choose from. Durability and dirt resistance are the primary concerns of outdoor footwear.
However, you can do a lot of fun experiments with indoor slippers. The furry and shiny upper surface of your slippers can be embellished with beautiful soft toy figures and jewels too. The Colour options of home slippers also expand to a wide range of varieties. Don’t stick with those usual dark colour schemes that you consider while buying outdoor shoes or sandals.
- Easy to clean
Slippers of home use also get dirty unexpectedly and frequently. Stain on the upper soft material is the most unwanted thing everyone wants to avoid. Also, our indoor slippers frequently come in contact with water and other fluids. Consequently, regular cleaning becomes necessary. The upper material of your slippers should be dirt-resistant, easy to wash and dry quickly.
Considerable things while trying a pair of slipper before buying
- It must provide adequate heel support and be orthopedically proven.
- Make sure that the midsole has shock-absorbing features.
- The upper material should have good arch support.
- If you are a diabetic patient, choose a firm slipper with a closed toe.
- Open-back slippers are more feasible for home use as compared to closed-back slippers. If you still prefer a strap, make sure, it is easily adjustable.
After considering all these tips, you are good to go shopping. Always remember that similar-looking slippers may have a substantial difference in their price. Therefore, check specifications regarding the material quality. The fur or microsuede of a cheap slipper may provide you with a temporary comfort but cause allergic reactions for the long run.