Spiders are household pests that hide in areas in your house where they can hunt their prey. No matter how you try to get rid of spiders, they may invade your attics, ceilings, and basements again without the help of a professional spider exterminator. Spiders can look frightening, but they are innocent, in general. While you cannot get rid of all spiders in your house, you can take measures to remove and prevent them from infesting your home.
What to Know About House Spiders
All spiders produce silk, but some species do not weave webs to catch prey. Those that build webs come up with varying designs. Spiders that don’t make webs are hunters that employ other methods to find food. The trapdoor spider, for instance, attacks its prey by surprise by appearing from a ground opening. Jumping spiders follow their prey as closely as possible before they leap upon it.
How a Spider Infestation Occurs
To effectively minimize the risk of spiders invading your house, you should know what draws them. Attractants include the following:
- Food sources. Spiders love insects. Thus, will be where they can find insects, including your house. As insects usually gather in attics, garages, and basements, spiders are also found there.
- Dark spaces. Attics, garages, and basements are dimly lit, letting spiders weave their webs and keep themselves hidden from humans. They usually stay in debris in dark areas.
- Clutter and mess. Spiders and insects are drawn to cluttered and messy houses, especially because a few spiders hang out in clutter. To prevent a spider infestation, vacuum, dust, and sweep your house to keep the environment clean.
How to Know Your House is Infested with Spiders
The following are the signs of a spider infestation:
- Webs. Even if you do not see spiders inside your house, you can still find more webs than you usually do. This clearly indicates an infestation. Also, distinct spider webs that can be found in your house indicate the presence of spiders.
- Eggs sacs. Usually, spider egg sacs come with the presence of spiders themselves. If you find a lot of egg sacs, this means an infestation occurs. You need to deal with it right away as once the egg sacs hatch, thousands of more spiders will be invading your house.
- Dead insects. The increasing number of insects in your house can indicate the presence of spiders. Often, insects are trapped in windowsills and basements and become prey for spiders.