Does mold appear regularly in your home? For those who don’t know what mold looks like, it is a substance that is brown and dark green. It also has a velvet-like texture.
Alternaria is the most common type of mold found in your home. The mold usually grows in damp areas and other places. If you’re exposed to mold for long, you’ll experience respiratory issues.
Let’s now look into some of the reasons why you find molds in your home. The leading causes include:
Leaking Pipes in Your House
This is why mold usually appears behind drywall and in the cupboards present under the sink. Leaking pipes usually contribute to the wall and ceiling mold. The leaks may be coming from one of the pipes in your roof. When you notice the appearance of mold in different areas, it is advisable first to check the pipes in your house for leaks.
A lot of Condensation
During winter, there is a lot of condensation on the surfaces that are quite cold because of the temperature fluctuations. The cold surfaces include floor tiles, brick walls, and metal pipes. When condensation poses a major issue in your home, you should ventilate every room well to ensure condensation won’t pose a major issue.
Damp and Wet Clothing
After you’re done washing the dishes, you’ll dry them, and you’ll set aside the wet clothing and use it later. If the damp clothing stays that way for an entire day, mold will start to appear because of the humidity during summer or spring. As a result, you should remember to dry the wet clothing after use.
A Damp Basement
In most houses, the basement is below ground level. The basement is also exposed to high moisture levels, which means it’ll contain high humidity levels because of the poor air circulation, says Mold Across America. The increased humidity and dampness will lead to the growth of molds. The water leaks also accumulate in the basement. As a result, you should ensure the basement is well maintained to prevent an outbreak of molds. Damp and dark conditions are the birthplace of mold and make it even easier for mold to grow faster throughout your home. Once mold spores begin to appear, it’s very difficult to remove them. So it’s significant for homeowners to know how to prevent mold from growing. However, if there is significant mold in your basement, you’ll need the services of damp proofing companies like Watertight Homes.
The Air-Conditioning System is Leaking
Many homes usually experience the country feature with their AC systems, leading to the growth of molds commonly known as Mucor. The Mucor type of mold is allergenic, and it also grows fast. It appears in the form of white patches below the AC system that has a leaking issue or because of condensation.
Hire a professional contractor to check the piping in the air conditioners ducting, filters, and piping. The professional should ensure there are no leaks and there shouldn’t be any moisture buildup.
Persistent Humidity
If you reside in an area where the humidity levels are high, you’ll experience issues with molds since they always appear when the moisture content in the air is high. The mold will appear on the ceilings, walls, below the kitchen sink, and in dark closets.
The mold that appears because of humidity is common for those who reside beside large water bodies such as the ocean. If there is poor air circulation in your house, the mold issue will become worse. During Spring and Summer, you should ensure that your house is well ventilated to avoid the issue of poor air circulation.
A Leaking Roof
If your roof is partially damaged by wear and tear, the molds will build up in your home. With time, the slow leak will bring about an increase in the humidity levels in the attic. You’ll then notice there will be a mold buildup on the ceiling boards and walls.
Always check the ceiling walls for potential leaks. If there are any leaks, ensure the roof is repaired, and you’ll manage to eradicate the mold issue successfully.
Final Thoughts
We have talked about how poor ventilation contributes to the growth of molds in your home, especially during Summer and Winter. The stagnant air acts as a suitable environment for the growth of molds. By ensuring your home is well ventilated, there is no need to worry about the growth of molds in your home.