I have seen a lot of parents who get a dog just because their kids have requested them dearly for one. Something brought into a home out of love for the kids becomes a big responsibility for the adults, as the kids are clearly not ready to take the additional responsibility. The result is that the dog suffers as the parents decide to give it away to another family as they cannot manage taking care of it. This is the story of many families with kids who demand a dog as a pet.
People do not understand that getting a dog home is a big responsibility, even if you opt for a toy breed like getting miniature Sheepadoodle puppies. I would say that social media is highly responsible as you always see pet owners posting cute videos of their dogs but fail to inform them about the responsibilities that they have to deal with every day. Children wanting a dog could be misinformed about taking care of the pet, but as the parents, you need to be vigilant and ensure your kid is ready for the dog.
Is Your Child Responsible Enough?
You need to honestly discuss with your child their willingness to contribute to taking care of the dog. You need to observe how interested your child is in taking care of the dog. Many kids just find dogs cute hence would love to have them as pets but refrain from taking up any responsibility. If that is the case, then it is up to you.
You need to analyze if you are ready to take up the responsibility of getting a dog. Taking care of the dog includes walking it, picking up poop, feeding it, taking time to train it, socializing it, and engaging with it daily. You also have to make arrangements to leave the pet with someone while taking vacations where your pet cannot accompany you. The additional cost of owning a pet is also something that needs to be taken into account. Do not forget the expense of paying the vet occasionally if your dog needs medical help. There are a lot of factors you need to consider before you finalize adopting a dog. It is as good as taking care of another kid.
Which is the Perfect Dog for Your Child:
Choosing the right dog breed is essential as your kid may be ready for a dog but not a few particular breeds. A few dog breeds are not great for first-time owners; hence, avoid those entirely. It is highly advisable to get a family dog that is good around kids. You should also understand the level of activity you are willing to offer to the dog that will help you find the right breed.
Find out in advance if your child is allergic to something, as a few dog breeds will aggravate that. Shedding is another factor you need to consider, as cleaning the home is a big task with double-coated dogs like retrievers and huskies.
Also, consider your previous experience in handling dogs to give you more insight into how ready your family is.
Create a full-proof plan to take care of the dog, like activities, training, walks, bathing, and enrichment. If you divide the responsibilities beforehand, you will ensure that the entire family is ready to commit.
Also, address the mental and physical stimulation of the dog to give it an overall enriching atmosphere.
How Respectful is Your Child Around the Dog?
This is one issue I find with many kids. They consider animals just like their stuffed toys. They are not taught how to respect an animal. They may try to rough handle or find it funny to agitate the pet, which could quickly go south, especially with breeds that have prey instincts or feel threatened quickly. While Retrievers are really friendly dogs, due to their large size, if not handled properly, they may mistakenly hurt the kid. This is why you must teach your child to behave respectfully around the pet as parents. Supervise your child when they play with the dog until you are confident. This will help in keeping your kid safe and your dog protected.
Consider Your Living Situation:
You may feel as if your family is ready for a pet, but is your home fit to actually keep a pet? People living in apartments need to figure out if their society is really pet friendly. Many buildings impose restrictions on owners with pets like you cannot use a few areas in society and always keep your dog on a leash. A few buildings do not even allow pets. You need to understand what quality of life are you offering your pet. A large breed dog needs space and an open yard to enjoy the outdoors as that is in their nature. Smaller breeds like mini or toy versions are mainly indoor dogs and adapt well in apartments. Consider the living situation to ensure you offer the dog a good home.
How Can You Sensitize Kids to Dogs?
Before you get a dog, it is better to check if your kid is ok being around a dog and if a dog is comfortable around the kid. This can be done by introducing your kid to a friend’s dog. You can always keep the dog in your home for a few days to understand the dynamics. This is just like experimenting with a living situation with a partner. Also, remember, if you find it challenging to lead your life with someone else’s dog trained already, you will have to start from scratch by training the dog and need to be patient for a few months until you successfully discipline the dog. Think carefully before you take the plunge.
The Bottom Line:
This does not mean we discourage you from getting a pet for your kid. The idea of bringing home a puppy and abandoning it in a few weeks when it has already considered you as its family is cruel. If you can go through understanding how ready your kid is, you will be more careful in selecting a breed and making the right decision of including a family member who is here to stay.