Being productive means a person is capable of producing something with a significant amount or result. One can do more tasks with less time and be good at it. One who has a productive day is getting by and gets through the day with performing more quality tasks.
We all aim to improve ourselves. We always want to be better individuals. But other people struggle with this.
Have you ever seen someone perform and show excellence in their jobs or tasks at hand, while others find it hard to finish even one task? Why do you think so? Is this because.. they’re too excellent for us? Or, do they have secrets or life hacks we have to know about? Let’s find out!
“How can I be productive?” This is the question we sometimes ask ourselves at some point in our lives. So, let’s help each other.
Here is the first step on how we can increase our productivity: Get enough sleep! Let us allow ourselves to recharge.
Yes! Enough and quality sleep is a priority. It leads us to a more productive life. We have to rest, and take good care of ourselves. Get enough sleep, eat right, and exercise.
Even though sleeping is a normal thing to do for us and others, it may be a struggle for some. But why?
What causes insufficient sleep?
- Environment: There may be disturbances in your area which prevents you from getting sleep through the night.
- Stress or anxiety: When people experience having problems and they have no one to talk to, they are more stressed and think more and are anxious about it, until they can no longer sleep and it’s the next day and it’s work time or school time again.
- Caffeine: Most people have too much coffee intake. This is especially when they are finishing something, a work due or trying to study late at night for an exam. Some also drink coffee for the fear of missing out on the fun or a party.
- Pain, health or medical conditions: When we experience pain, most of the times we find it hard to sleep well trying to endure it.
- Medications, alcohol or drugs: There are certain medications people take that prevent them from sleeping. In some cases, alcoholism and drug addiction may lead to staying awake throughout the night or even days.
- Sleep disorders: Examples of these are insomnia, obstructive sleep apnea and narcolepsy. People who have one of these disorders make it hard to fall or stay asleep, or keep on sleeping through the day.
- Aging: Older people are easily awakened by noises and causing them to have trouble sleeping again.
Sleep is a complex biological process. It helps us to stay healthy, re-energise, and process new information. It is important for our system to be able to perform bodily functions. It also affects how well we do our daily tasks
What happens when you lack sleep?
- Trouble concentrating and thinking: Your concentration, creativity, and problem solving skills aren’t up to par.
- Memory issues: You cannot process and remember new information.
- Mood changes: You tend to be moody, emotional, and quick-tempered. It makes you more easily annoyed or angry. In severe cases, it may also lead to anxiety and depression.
- Accidents: When you lack sleep, you may feel drowsy and this may cause increased risk for accidents.
- Poor balance: Balance and coordination is also affected by lack of sleep. It makes you more prone to falls and other physical accidents.
- Low sex drive: When you lack sleep, you tend to have lower libido, resulting in decreased sex drive.
- Health: Lack of sleep affects our body systems, and may cause increased risk for weight gain, hypertension, diabetes, heart disease and other related diseases. It may also lead to a weakened immunity wherein the body’s defense or immune system is weak and can’t fight against illnesses, infection, bacteria or viruses.
Sleep has a positive effect on the quality of life. Adults should have a standard seven to eight hours of sleep. Sleep is being in a state where there is a reduced awareness of environmental stimuli.
What happens when you have a good quality sleep?
- Clear thoughts: You can think more clearly and make good decisions. You can concentrate, focus more and perform daily tasks better.
- Improves your mood: It reduces the level of your stress and improves the quality of your mood.
- Good vibes: You get well along with everyone. You are cheerful and less grumpy.
- Avoid injuries: You are not drowsy throughout the day, decreasing the risk for accidents
- Improved health: When you take good care of yourself, eat healthy and get enough sleep, you may stay at a healthy weight. You are also at lower risk for serious health problems.
Here are some tips on how to have a quality sleep.
- Be in an environment where you feel safe and can rest peacefully at night, away from distractions or disturbances.
- Talk your heart out to someone and avoid too much stress and over thinking.
- Avoid taking caffeinated drinks especially in the afternoon to night time or a few hours before bed.
If you have a medical condition or health problems, it is important to have your regular checkup or visit with a physician.
Maintain a healthy mind and body.
Some people feel burned out or are not motivated in life. They don’t want or have no energy to do things. For those of you who feel this way, it will soon be okay. You may start with small tasks to get things going. Pay close attention to your habits. Have a timeline or plan your activities for the day. It may help you train yourself and look forward to your next activities. It will also keep you from getting bored or unmotivated. You may also tackle or do difficult tasks first at the beginning of the day to get more done in less time before you get tired. You should also avoid taking naps during the day if you have trouble sleeping at night.
Successful people say that we should not allow ourselves to put the things and dreams we have off until tomorrow. Let’s not wait for tomorrow before we do things that we have to do, for it may never come. Let’s do this today!
We should always value the time we have. Every minute of the day, let’s make the most out of it. Let’s do more, and do better.
This is how a quality sleep may lead to a more productive life.
Let’s altogether be productive, healthy and happy! If you want to learn more about gut health & functional nutritition visit one of the website here.