The cockroach is one of the most hated pests in the world and poses a number of health risks for animals and people.
Remove Cockroaches with Professional Help
Cockroaches occur wherever temperatures and humidity are high enough and there are light-attenuated feeding and shelter areas.
You should definitely fight cockroaches as quickly as possible, as delays can lead to the unwanted guests rapidly spreading to adjacent rooms and ultimately the entire house. This is due to the extremely high reproduction rate of cockroaches.
Biology of cockroaches
As one of the oldest insects in the world, the cockroach is very resilient. Cockroaches have been found to be around the world for millions of years. Cockroaches usually live up to 1.5 years. Cockroaches reproduce extremely quickly. Cockroaches have offspring up to 4 times a year. Between 10 and 40 eggs are laid per pregnancy. Cockroaches feel comfortable wherever it is warm, cramped, damp and dark. Cockroaches are omnivores and also eat all kinds of organic material, such as fabric, leather and paper. Moist, soft and also rotting foods and substances are preferred to be eaten. You can crush cockroaches. The myth that this causes cockroach eggs to be involuntarily distributed has not yet been proven.
The Oriental Cockroach (Blatella orientalis)
The Oriental cockroach, also known as the cockroach, is approx. 25 mm long and dark brown in color. In males, the wings are slightly shorter than the abdomen; the female only has wing stubs. The nymphs are a solid dark brown; In contrast, the nymphs of the German cockroach have a yellow spot.
The bean-shaped egg package with around 16 eggs is deposited by the female as soon as it is formed. The nymphs only hatch after about 2 months. The total development time is at least half a year. A total of 8 egg packages will be produced.
The Oriental cockroach is nocturnal and prefers cooler, moist nesting places in the house, apartment or company, but can also be found in very warm, dry areas. The temperature requirement is above 17° C. They usually do not occur in groups but are widely distributed. On the other hand, mass occurrences are typical in agriculture.
The Oriental cockroach is an omnivore. Organic substances such as moist, soft, rotting food and mold are preferred.
The Oriental cockroach causes damage through contamination and the spread of putrefactive agents and pathogens, such as salmonellosis, typhus, cholera, tuberculosis, worm diseases, fungal diseases and asthma.
The German cockroach, on the other hand, is not a type of cockroach, but a collective term for the three species of cockroaches native to Germany with potential for danger. The cockroaches owe their name to the place where they often appear, the kitchen.
The German Cockroach (Blattella germanica)
The German cockroach is approx. 15 mm large, yellow-brown in color with 2 dark-brown longitudinal stripes on the pronotum. Both sexes are winged. However, this type of cockroach does not fly. The dark brown colored nymphs have a yellow dot on the pronotum. The egg package containing up to 40 eggs is deposited by the female approximately 3-4 weeks after fertilization; In the last few days before laying, the egg package is visible on the female’s abdomen. Shortly afterwards the 2 mm large nymphs hatch. The total development period is 2-3 months. A total of around 7 egg packets are produced.
The cockroach, like all types of cockroaches, loves dark, warm nesting places with moisture nearby and is therefore often not noticed in the house, apartment or company for a long time. She only goes looking for food at night. Attractants contained in the feces lead to accumulations of cockroaches in hiding places that are suitable for them. The temperature requirement is above 22° C. The egg packets are very resistant, even to pesticides, because of their chitinous shell.
Cockroach with Effective Professional Methods
There are around 20 species of cockroaches known in Europe. The German cockroach is responsible for around 80% of damage caused by cockroaches. The insect is also known as a cockroach or cockroach. The stored food pest causes, among other things, damage to food. In addition, the German cockroach can transmit diseases and is therefore a serious health and hygiene pest. The health consequences of cockroaches and their excretions should not be underestimated. Therefore, effective and sustainable pest control cockroaches is important. Due to its frequent occurrence in restaurants, food establishments, commercial kitchens, hospitals and laundries, the economic damage caused by the insect is also considerable.
What damage does the German cockroach cause?
The German cockroach is a true survivor, always finding new hiding places and adapting to new circumstances. German cockroach infestations often occur in restaurants, commercial kitchens, hotels, hospitals and apartments with central heating. But laundries, zoos and pet shops, shopping centers and pigsties can also be affected, as there is often humidity and a constant temperature above 20 degrees. Therefore, the financial damage caused by cockroach infestations should not be underestimated. The animals are usually brought into the building with food packaging, pallets and used equipment. There they hide in cracks and crevices and cause damage to food, leather and textiles. Popular hiding places are dark and damp cracks behind cupboards, electrical appliances and sinks. The German cockroach spreads a foul smell and the food can no longer be eaten. Contamination with feces and secretions from the salivary gland has health consequences. The insects transmit anthrax, salmonella and tuberculosis and can cause asthma symptoms.
How are German cockroaches controlled?
As a precaution against cockroaches, attention should be paid to hygiene and cleanliness. In addition, only closed and unused food packaging should be used. Food should be stored safely and closed and waste should be disposed of regularly. Before the actual pest control, dead animals and feces can be vacuumed up with a vacuum cleaner.
It is also advisable to seal food and throw away contaminated food. An inspection is then carried out to examine the typical hiding places of cockroaches to determine the severity of the infestation. Cockroach traps are usually used to determine the location and period of the infestation. The pest is then combated using professional methods. There are several approaches to controlling German cockroaches. Sticky traps with attractants can be set up or sprays and baits can be used. These methods do not pollute the environment. It is important that cockroach control should be carried out according to a fixed system and must be carried out continuously.
A sustained review is also essential. Chemical control of cockroaches should only be carried out by professionals. Since the German cockroach prefers a moist environment, the absence of water makes sense for control. In addition, gaps in the masonry that serve as hiding places for the animals should be closed. Experts guarantee detailed advice and control of the German cockroach and achieve sustainable and long-lasting success. It is important that cockroach control should be carried out according to a fixed system and must be carried out continuously.
A sustained review is also essential. Chemical control of cockroaches should only be carried out by professionals. Since the German cockroach prefers a moist environment, the absence of water makes sense for control. In addition, gaps in the masonry that serve as hiding places for the animals should be closed. Experts guarantee detailed advice and control of the German cockroach and achieve sustainable and long-lasting success. It is important that cockroach control should be carried out according to a fixed system and must be carried out continuously. A sustained review is also essential.