The Brand-New Animal series, commonly referred to as Bna is an action-oriented and fantasy-themed anime series that was first released in 2020. Studio Trigger has produced Bna, and the Japanese studio Trigger has collaborated in creating the series’ first season.
Since the production of the first season in 2020, many fans have eagerly awaited the production of season two. Rumors started to circulate that season two would be released in 2021, but that seems not to be the case. Currently, it is 2022, and there is no news regarding the second season release date; hence we have to be a little patient, and probably by 2023 or early 2024, there will be a second release.
The anime series is directed by Yoh Yoshinari and originates from Kazuki Nakashima’s writing. The script was initially written for the anime series but was later adapted into manga and light novels. Bna was one of the famous anime series launched in 2020 by Netflix.
About Bna season 1
The story’s storyline was set in the 21st century, in a world of human-like animals called Beastmen, which live across the globe. The main character is Michiru Kagemori, a regular teenager who is in high school and suddenly turns into a Tanuki beastman in the day. Michiru is terrified of a monster hunter and has to travel to an anima town designed explicitly for beasts so that she can be at peace.
In the town of Anima, Michiru meets Shiro Ogami, a wolf beastman. Together, they investigate why Michiru has suddenly turned into a beastman. During the investigation, they get into a more bizarre situation where the mystery of the origin of the anima town starts to unravel.
What is the news regarding Bna season two?
Neither studio Trigger nor Netflix has disclosed any information regarding the production of bna season two. There might be a possibility of production of Bna season two since Netflix has not canceled the series production yet. The first season just ended in 2020, yet fans cannot keep calm anymore and are complaining about the production of season two.
Many fans have expressed their desire for the second season, but some fans are not confident enough since Studios Trigger does not produce the second season of their anime series.
Is there going to be a season two of Bna?
Among the most well-received series, Bna is one of them. It gained popularity within the first few months after its production; fans have been demanding a second season. BNA’s popularity increased more after being aired on Netflix. There are official websites where fans discuss bna and how much they are waiting for renewal.
The trailer of Bna season two
Currently, there is no information regarding the second season’s production; hence no trailer for the same. Since Netflix has aired the first season, there is a possibility of the second season so let us stay optimistic, and soon the renewal will be right beside us. Thanks for keeping me till the end.