In the event of a car accident, your first instinct may be to panic and go running to your phone for your favorite car insurance app. However, if you’re like most drivers, you probably didn’t think much beyond getting as far away from the crash site as possible as quickly as possible.
To stay safe after a car accident and avoid any future ones, it’s important to know what to do afterwards so that you don’t put yourself or anyone else in danger.
Read on to learn more about what you should do after a car accident and how these actions can protect yourself in the long run. You need find a Car accident lawyer at The Law offices of Greg Prosmushkin, P.C.
Get Medical Attention for Injuries
Whether you’re alright or not, it is important to get medical attention at car accident injury clinic for any injuries sustained in the accident. Even if you don’t think you need to go to the doctor, you should still make the effort to get any bumps, scrapes, and bruises cleaned up.
Make sure the doctor does a thorough medical examination to make sure that you’re okay. You might think nothing of your injuries since they seem minor and only cause you discomfort. However, it’s very possible that you could develop a more serious condition later on down the road if you don’t get medical attention immediately.
Not only will ignoring injuries put your life at risk, it can also compromise your chances of recovering compensation. Insurance providers require medical proof of injuries sustained and medical expenses incurred to process your claim.
Contact the Police
In the event of an accident, you must let the police know as soon as possible. This is especially vital if there has been damage to your vehicle or some form of criminal activity has taken place such as drunk driving, the police should be involved.
The police will write a police statement detailing the events that happened, including which party was at-fault. They will take down your names, contact information, and the makes and models of cars involved.
While it might seem a lengthy process, a police statement can serve as a clear record of what happened and will be required by the insurance company for them to process your claim.
Take Photos of the Scene and Damage
While it may seem like a waste of time, it’s important to take photos at the scene of an accident. This is so that you have evidence of any damage to the vehicle and any injuries sustained. The pictures can prove useful in court in case you have to fight for compensation in court.
The best way to do this is to use your car’s built-in camera to take photos of the accident and damage at the scene. Make sure to take pictures showing the extent of the damage to the cars involved, as well as their license plates.
Exchange Contact and Insurance Information
The next step is to exchange contact and insurance information with the other driver. This can help you file a claim against the other driver if you choose to do so in the future. It’s also a good idea to get the contact information of any witnesses so you can let them know if they need to come in and file a police report at a later date.
Hire a Car Accident Injury Attorney
If you’re involved in a car accident and have sustained any injuries, it’s important to contact a car accident injury attorney right away.
An experienced lawyer can help you get the compensation you deserve for your injuries, medical bills, and any damage to your car. They can also help protect you from making potentially harmful decisions, such as accepting a settlement offer or settling a case out of court. Instead, they will negotiate with insurance so you can get due compensation, and your life back on track.
Wrapping It Up
Before you even consider what you should do after a car accident, it’s important to know what to do before the accident. This can help you prevent any accidents in the first place, saving you time and hassle while also protecting your rights.
That said, if you do get involved in an accident. Try to remain calm and follow the steps highlighted above. This way, you can rest easy knowing that you are doing everything possible to stay safe while on the road.