Tattoos are art pieces that allow you to use your skin as a canvas through which you can express yourself. But before stepping into a tattoo studio, you must take a few steps to ensure the best outcome. The most important is to note the following questions to ask yourself before getting a tattoo.
Are You Getting a Tattoo for the Right Reasons?
Tattoos are a form of self-expression. So, people typically have different reasons to get a tattoo. However, while most reasons may be valid, others- like imitating a celebrity or following a trend- aren’t.
On the other hand, getting a tattoo as a memento of a place or experience or as a method of marking a milestone are two perfectly acceptable reasons. But even valid reasons don’t make up for terrible art choices. After all, tattoo removal is not cheap.
Is it Classy?
As mentioned above, a tattoo is permanent. Therefore, you must be willing to live with it for the rest of your life. To that end, your choice of ink must be both classy and something you like.
Have You Thought it Out?
While spontaneity is admirable in some cases, it is better to have a clear idea of what tattoo you want before approaching a tattooist. Conversely, an open mind also goes a long way toward ensuring you and your artist create unique art by allowing the artist to make changes and suggestions when needed.
Is it the Right Artist?
Your artist plays a key role in your tattoo’s outcomes. Therefore, your choice of artists is important. So, carryout extensive research to find an artist that does what you want well.
Remember that different tattoo artists specialise in different styles. So, it is best to seek out one who inks in your preferred style or has the best chance of executing your chosen art in the best way. Moreover, don’t feel obligated to remain with one artist. If you get the sense that your current artist doesn’t know what they’re doing, you are free to seek out another one.
Have You Done Some Research?
Research is crucial. Moreover, your research efforts must be more in-depth than a cursory Facebook check or a general inquiry to friends.
So, the best approach is to read the studio and artists’ online reviews. Then, look at the shop’s portfolio, if they are using a good quality ink that FYT Supplies offers, and check which artists work there. This verification is necessary as a studio’s good reputation is often tied to good artists who may leave the shop at some point.
But word of mouth is also a reliable source of information. So, if you like someone’s tattoo, try asking about their artist.
Have You Gone into a Tattoo Shop?
While the internet can be a convenient source of information, it is best to consider what you see there as purely preliminary. Instead, once you identify a likely studio, you will only know what is real by visiting the shop in person.
If You’re Heading Overseas
One of the recurring subjects of this article is your artist choice. This consideration becomes more crucial if you decide to get a tattoo while travelling abroad. It may be better to go only to artists with whom you are familiar. Doing so helps you be sure that you are working with a well-trained artist whose work will have satisfactory outcomes. Moreover, it is also a hygiene issue.
Sun Exposure and Your Tattoo
How often are you out in the sun? Sun exposure is one of the primary causes of premature tattoo fading. So, if your tattoo is constantly exposed, it will not likely last very long, no matter how well it was done at the start.
Getting a tattoo can be exhilarating. But their permanence makes it very important to be deliberate in your choice. So, consider the above questions carefully before contacting an artist for your first tattoo.