Passing your test is such a great feeling. It means you finally have your own freedom and can start driving yourself around. Driving lessons can be long and gruelling and the test itself is an incredibly stressful experience. That’s why when you do finally pass, you should take the time to celebrate and have fun with your newfound freedom. However, the first year of driving should still be considered a probationary period as although you have passed, you are still brand new to the world of driving.
This is why you should still be cautious during your first year and don’t think that you know everything about the roads. Driving with an instructor and driving on your own are two very different things, so make sure that you give yourself plenty of practice as a newbie driver. If you are someone who has passed their test recently, then keep on reading this article to find out what you should consider during your first year of driving.
Driving In All Weather Conditions
One important thing you should do during your first year of driving is drive in all types of weather conditions. Living in the UK means that the weather is very unpredictable, so you must be equipped to deal with any sort of weather that comes your way. During your lessons, you may have had to drive in the rain once or twice, but that doesn’t really prepare you for driving by yourself in some harsh weather conditions. So, therefore, when the weather starts to turn, take the opportunity to get out on the road and get some practice in the different types of weather.
There are lots of ways that you can prepare to drive in different weather conditions, so perhaps do some research beforehand to find out what you need to do in certain situations. Doing this will help build your confidence, and it means that you won’t be caught off guard if the weather happens to change randomly while you are out on the road one day.
Make Your Car Your Own
Getting your first car is an experience that you won’t forget. Finally, you have a vehicle that is solely yours and you can use it to get you and your friends around. Once you have your own car, you might want to start thinking of ways to make it your own and personalise it a bit. Physically changing any of the aesthetics of the car can be a little tricky and expensive, which is why you need to look into different ways to make your car unique and special to you.
One super simple way you can do this is by buying yourself a private number plate. Private number plates are super easy to get these days and they are not something that is going to break the bank either. They are a nice easy way to put your own touch on your car, without having to make any major changes. Registering your new number plate is also super simple, so you do not have to worry about the hassle of changing everything. If you are wanting to make your car a bit more unique, then this is definitely something you could consider.
Get Used To Driving By Yourself
Driving during lessons definitely gives you some good practice, but the one thing it cannot prepare you for is driving by yourself. Once you pass your test, the thought of being on your own in the car may seem a little daunting, but it is just something that you need to get used to. You are not going to always have someone in the car with you, so you need to get used to being by yourself. It could be helpful to start this practice by going out on the roads when you know it is going to be quiet as this will give you enough time and space to get a handle on things.
Jumping straight into busy roads and motorways would be counterintuitive as you will make yourself a lot more stressed than necessary. So, when you have a spare half an hour, why not take yourself for a short drive and just get used to the feel of your car and how you drive when you are on your own. Once you have mastered this, then you can start going on the busier roads by yourself with your newfound confidence.
Know The Basics About Car Maintenance
When things go wrong with your car, the first move is to always take it to the garage to get fixed. While, of course, this is the right thing to do, if the issue is only minor, then it could be something that you could fix yourself. Knowing the basics about car maintenance during your first year of driving will be extremely helpful as it means you can notice when there is an issue with your car and get the issue fixed. Once you have bought your first car, you should do some proper research into the model and find out all the ins and outs of the car. Different models may run a little differently, so make sure you are researching the exact model that you have.
Now, you don’t have to suddenly become an expert in mechanics, but it would be very beneficial to at least have a general idea of the basics. Things like filling up wiper fluid, changing the oil, and changing a tire are all simple things that you can learn to do by yourself. Doing this will save you a lot of hassle in the long run as it means you do not have to drive to the garage every time you think there is something wrong with your car. Not only will it save you time, but it will also save you a lot of money as car maintenance can be expensive.
Keep Practising
The most important thing you need to do during your first year of driving is to keep practising. The only way to get better and more confident with your driving is through lots of practice, so make sure that you are getting out on the road regularly. Although it is unlikely that you are going to lose your skills if you stopped driving for a few months, you may find that you become a little rusty. Especially with the theory side of driving, it can be very easy to become slack with a lot of the road rules, so just make sure that you are keeping your mind fresh.
If you need the car to get to and from work, then you will have plenty of time to practise your driving skills. Additionally, if you have some free time before or after work, then you could even take some different routes so that you experience some of the different roads. Simple things like this are a really good and easy way to learn more about the roads and, more importantly, more about the other drivers on the road. Being aware of other drivers is super important as you need to be able to react quickly to any of their actions. So, take the time to practise and you will find driving a lot easier.