Bird infestations are serious and they cause a lot of damage. But, one thing that a lot of property owners do not realise is that pests can come with these birds. They can cause additional problems and they can be hard to get rid of. Let’s take about bird infestations and the pests you need to be aware of.
What are the Signs of a Bird Infestation?
There are a few birds hanging around your building. Does this count as a bird infestation? Well, the answer may be yes depending on a few factors. One thing you should know is that a few birds can easily turn into a lot more if you give them time.
There are some signs you should look out for that indicate you could start to have a problem with a bird infestation. This includes continuous noise. If you hear birds a lot on your building, this means they are sticking around. In addition, there is going to be a lot of bird guano on your building and this can gather in certain spots. Take a look high up on your buildings, as well as on the ground below. There might even be damage to guttering.
It is essential that you take bird infestations seriously. They can get out of hand very quickly and damage your building permanently. In particular, you are going to want to call in the experts to deter the birds and make sure that you do not have problems. You can contact to be proactive and stop the infestation before it gets to an uncontrollable level. What’s more, this is going to stop the pests we are about to discuss from becoming an issue for your property.
Pests Associated with Bird Infestations
Did you know that parasites can live on birds? They are going to travel with them and hop off when they want to. Indeed, this can cause a problem for your property. Let’s take a look at the parasites you need to know about.
Bird Mites
Let’s start by talking about bird mites. Often, they are referred to as difficult names, such as pigeon mites and bird lice. But, they are all the same and they can be quite a nuisance if you get them in your home. They start near bird nests, but they can go in search of food and end up in your house. In particular, they can be found in many places such as around windows, as well as in bedding.
Bird mites are going to be very small and they might not be obvious at first until their numbers grow. They can look like red dots. They can bite you when they need food, which can cause you to itch. If you want to get rid of them, you need to remove the source first. Namely, you need to deal with the bird infestation. Then, you can deal with removing them from your home.
Next, we have fleas. Now, this is a parasite that you do not want in your home. In particular, they breed very quickly and it can be very hard to get rid of them once they are in your bedding, soft furnishings or even pets. Fleas can travel on birds and they survive on their blood. But, they can end up hitchhiking into your home and this is when the trouble is going to begin.
There are many treatments available if you discover fleas in your home. But, the best way to prevent them is to make sure you move on the bird infestation. They are going to continue to pose a threat when birds are still hanging around. Once you can deter the birds, you can deal with treating your home once and for all so that the fleas and larvae are gone for good.
Ticks are another parasite that can be found on birds. This is one that can be especially harmful to humans and this is something that you do not want near to your property. Namely, this is because ticks can spread Lyme disease. If they bite you, this is something that you can get and the infection can be serious.
It is important to note that not all ticks are going to carry Lyme disease. But the last thing you want to do is increase the chance of getting this infection. Having a bird infestation can pose a threat to you and your loved one’s health.