Cold feet can be a huge problem during the winter. When the temperature drops, taking care of your feet becomes incredibly important to prevent a variety of potential health concerns. Today, there are a lot of things you can do to keep your feet as warm as possible, no matter how cold it might get outside. Staying indoors helps, but if you’re ready to venture out into the cold, try the following.
Buy Comfortable Shoes
Comfortable shoes can make a world of difference when you’re walking around. Though they might not be a lot warmer than other types of shoes, wearing leather sneakers does help keep you comfortable, so you can get where you’re going without issue. A lot can be added to these shoes for a walk outside, so they’re a great option for the winter months.
Keep Feet Dry
Feet that get wet are going to be cold. Wet shoes and socks mean feet will hold onto the cold a lot better, which is not good and can lead to even more issues. Take steps to help keep the feet as dry as possible when outside, like avoiding puddles or deep snow, and if your feet do get wet, take off the shoes and socks as soon as you’re inside. Dry off your feet as soon as you can to help warm them up again.
Make Sure Shoes are Breathable
Feet need to be able to breathe. That is, they need air circulation around them to be able to stay dry. Shoes that are not breathable will end up making feet sweat, which makes the colder because of the moisture trapped inside of the shoe. Save the non-breathable shoes for indoor use or for times when you’ll only have shoes on for a minimal amount of time. Opt for breathable shoes for most of your walking.
Buy the Right Socks
The right socks can make a world of difference. In the winter months, put the cotton socks in the drawer and pull out wool ones. Wool socks are better at insulating your feet, even when wet, so your feet will stay warmer. If wool socks do get wet, they’ll dry faster than cotton socks. Purchase at least a few pairs of wool socks and use those instead of cotton socks when you’re going out in the winter.Due to its ability to keep your feet warm, dry, and comfy when trekking, merino wool socks for hiking are a necessity.
Keep Snow Out of Shoes
Keep snow out of shoes. Snow will hit the warmth of your feet and melt, making your feet wet and cold. There are options to add to shoes to help keep snow out if you’ll be somewhere walking in high snow is a possibility. Otherwise, choose where you walk carefully to avoid stepping in areas that have deeper snow to keep the snow out of the shoes.
Think About Adding Insulation
Insulation isn’t just for homes. It’s also perfect for keeping feet warm during the winter. It’s a different type of insulation, but it works the same way. While the insoles that come with shoes can be comfortable for the summer months, it might be a good idea to change them out during the winter. There are insoles designed to help add insulation to the shoes, which can help keep your feet warmer no matter how cold it is outside.
Despite the temperature outside, you have places to go and things to do. Don’t let cold feet slow you down. During the winter months, use the tips here to make sure your feet are as warm as possible, no matter what the temperature is outside or how long you’ll be gone during the day. The right preparation can make a huge difference in how warm your feet stay when you’re outside and can help you prevent a number of medical issues.