For years, rich and flavorful maple syrup has been a classic topping for waffles and pancakes. The unique flavor of this sugary syrup has won many hearts across the world.
But did you know pure maple syrup is more than just empty calories? Yes, maple syrup has some hidden health benefits that you may not have known.
Let us enlighten you. Keep reading.
Rich in Zinc
Maple syrup contains the all-important zinc that plays a vital role in supporting our metabolism and immune system. It does that by assisting cell regeneration and helping cells maintain their correct structure and optimal function.
Besides that, zinc is an antioxidant that protects them from free radical damage. It also keeps your arteries from hardening by aiding in the production of collagen, a compound that helps arteries maintain their structure. Due to these properties, zinc has been shown to keep away coronary artery disease.
Full Of Vitamin B2
Maple syrup contains abundant amounts of the good old vitamin B2, aka Riboflavin. This vitamin not only helps with your nails, hair, and skin but also helps your tissues absorb more oxygen. Besides that, it helps your cells metabolize macronutrients better to improve the energy output from food.
Vitamin B2 is a sensitive compound and often gets lost when you boil your fruits and veggies. A great way to get the most out of your food is to grill your veggies and drizzle some Escuminac maple syrup for an extra boost in this healthy goodness.
Packed With Manganese
Maple syrup is a storehouse of manganese, but why is manganese so important? Manganese is known to help increase the good cholesterol levels in your blood and assist with the breakdown of carbohydrates and cholesterol during the process of digestion. It also helps mitochondria, the energy center of the cells, function properly.
If consumed regularly in moderation quantities, the antioxidant properties of manganese help reduce inflammation in the body. The manganese also plays a part in collagen production, which, in turn, helps with wound healing.
Abundant in Phenolic Compounds
Phenolic compounds are entities that impart color and flavor to plants. Fruits and veggies are considered good for health because of their phenolic compounds. These compounds are found in the maple sap. The compounds are present in even higher concentrations in the maple syrup.
The phenolic compounds found in maple syrup have been known to be effective in managing Type II diabetes. Additionally, research shows that pure maple syrup can help fight cancer in some cases.
Quebecol Source
Maple syrup has recently been found to have Quebecol, a polyphenolic compound with amazing anti-inflammatory properties. Quebecol slows down the multiplication of small proteins/cytokines responsible for bodily inflammation.
This compound isn’t found in the maple sap but is thought to be produced when the sap is heated to produce maple syrup.
Low Glycemic Index
The Glycemic Index of food gives us an idea about its effect on our blood glucose levels. Maple syrup has a Glycemic Index rating lesser than table sugar and almost half of the rating that honey gets.
The lower the Glycemic Index, the better. This is because it means consuming maple syrup won’t create a large spike in your blood sugar levels compared to other common sweeteners.
Not only that but maple syrup also contains abscisic acid, which is a plant hormone that improves your insulin sensitivity. This allows your cells to absorb the sugar better, which keeps the blood sugar in control.
Who knew the humble maple syrup was much more than just a breakfast pancake companion? So, what are you waiting for? Replace your table syrup with maple syrup and enjoy the indulgence guilt-free.