Hiking sandals are the best way to keep your feet cool, comfortable, and protected during your outdoor adventures. If you love sandals but think that you cannot use them to go out on a hike, you just haven’t been using the right sandals! There are lots of great hiking sandals out there that can make your feet comfortable and happy no matter what kind of terrain you are traversing.
If you love camping, hiking, rafting, and kayaking, you might need to upgrade your footwear. Imagine being able to get away from wearing Merrell shoes or thick boots when you are enjoying your favorite activities! Hiking sandals can free your feet and make your daily activities so much more comfortable. Being able to enjoy active adventures without hot feet is a really nice benefit of choosing a hiking sandal for this purpose!
If you are ready to find out which are the best hiking sandals for women in 2022, you need to read on!
Best Hiking Sandals For Women in 2022
1. The Samara Walking Sandal
The Samara Walking Sandal is a very attractive sandal that takes on the trails and water with ease. You can hike and wade with ease in this sandal, which is always a nice benefit of buying sandals from Viakix.com. You will get access to a light set of straps that will keep your feet secure and comfortable without chafing or rubbing. The EVA midsole protects your feet from rough terrain and cushions every step.
This is a great choice if you want to have extra grip on slippery surfaces or rough terrain, and you will love the interior support that makes the sole ultra-comfortable. This is a great choice for medium and narrow feet as well as narrow heels. You can trust the hook and loop straps to be easy to adjust, and these sandals will feel like they were made custom just for your feet right out of the box.
This is a really well-made pair of sandals that is light and comfortable enough for all kinds of uses and all kinds of activities.
2. Keen Women’s Rose Sandal
This is a really nice sandal if you want a partially-enclosed upper and soft and supportive straps. This sandal offers all the right features, from a hiking shoe to a sandal. You will get a really durable and grippy outer sole that will keep your feet firm even on slippery rocks. The straps shed water, and you will not have to deal with its water sloshing around in your sandal soles all day.
The soft and durable Velcro of the straps of this sandal is made to keep your feet comfortable, and you will never have to deal with scratchy straps that hurt your feet. This sandal comes in many colors as well, which is a really nice benefit. If you want a sandal that offers a blend of hiking shoes and sandal features, you will have exactly what you are looking for with this sandal.
The partially-enclosed upper is one of the nicest features of this sandal, and you will get a lot of added security against rubbing and foot slippage with this feature. For people with narrow feet, this can be the perfect solution for comfort without having to buy a fully-enclosed shoe that is hot or stiff.
3. The Siena Sport Sandal
If you value the lightweight and springy feel of a sports sandal but want access to the durability of a hiking sandal, this is the right choice for your needs. This sandal fits every curve of your feet with ease, making your feet ultra-comfortable all day long. You will get a really durable and grippy sole on this sandal as well, making your feet secure if you are crossing water, rafting, or kayaking.
The EVA midsole in this sandal will keep your feet from getting tired and sore when you are walking, and you will love the soft and easy-to-fit straps. The straps of this sandal are softly stretchable, which means that tough terrain, running, or climbing will be easy with these sandals on your feet. This is one of the best-looking hiking sandals out there, and you can wear The Siena Sport Sandal with a dress or head out to take on the toughest hike.
4. Teva Women’s Hurricane XLT 2
Teva has always made tough yet comfortable sandals, and this one is no different. This is a great choice for a lightweight sandal that will offer you superior waterproofing and a comfortable and stable sole. The PET webbing in the straps will never get water-logged, and the heel tab is perfectly designed to prevent rubbing and blisters. Even when the straps get wet, this sandal will not rub your skin.
This sandal comes in many colors, and the grippy and comfortable sole will feel like it was made just for your foot right out of the box. This is a hiking sandal that is made tough enough for water crossings or for hiking trips that include some time in a kayak. This is the perfect choice if you need to be able to manage tough terrain of all kinds. There are few sandals that will take on tough terrain like this without being heavy on your feet.
Hiking Sandals Can be Comfortable and Lightweight
If you have been struggling to find sandals that are not stiff and hard on your feet that can still take on the trail, this guide will help you out! You will be able to find the right sandal for your needs with ease on this list. There are so many hiking sandals out there these days that are soft and comfortable while also being durable. You don’t need to put up with straps that chafe or soles that hurt your feet ever again!
Hiking sandals are made to be comfortable these days and also to look great! There are so many sandals out there that can take on water, hiking, and running with ease while also looking very stylish. These sandals will be perfect for every aspect of your daily life as well as your outdoor adventures!